Emotion Translating Using Transformers
Harshit Shah, Charlie Floeder, Milad Farizian, Rizq Khateeb, Yash Sharma
Emotional Translating is the task of changing the emotion conveyed in a piece of text while preserving its original meaning.
Problem Definition
Evaluate and compare the ability of different transformer models to be trained for emotion paraphrasing while ensuring emotional context is preserved in the altered text
Sample Result: Disapproval → Admiration
Input: Paraphrase disapproval to admiration: Nietzsche admired Wagner's ability to express his own suffering and misery in large creations. He criticized Wagner's attempt to produce short works. of music.
Output: Nietzsche admired Wagner's ability to express his own suffering and misery in large creations.
Dataset Creation
Fine-tuning Methods
Paraphrasing Metrics:
Emotion Transition Metrics:
Initial Results on Paraphrasing
With use of the PAWS dataset and T5:
Results, Limitations, and Future Works
Google Colab